Map Shortcode

Use a shortcode to place your map precisely where you need it

Map Styles

Outdoor Hike

by Treweler

Be strategic with content presentation and place your customized map in the optimal position on your webpage. Simply copy the map shortcode and paste it to appear exactly where you want the map to be displayed.

Customize the map’s width and height in the shortcode settings. Disable scroll zoom and set your map to full width with a single click. You can also specify custom values for the initial center point and zoom level within the shortcode settings.

For your convenience, here is an example of a custom map embedded in a WordPress page using a shortcode. In the shortcode settings, the map is set to ‘full width,’ with a height of 620 pixels and a width of 95%. You can also disable zoom actions in the shortcode settings, preventing the zoom level from changing when you scroll over the map with your mouse.

You’re a few clicks away
from discovering the joy of mapping