Countries & Regions Boundaries

Efficiently showcase country or regional data using Treweler boundaries

Map Styles

Treweler Light

by Treweler

Treweler Boundaries offers a comprehensive collection of country and regional boundary data with varying levels of accuracy. These boundary datasets can be seamlessly integrated with base maps, enabling you to overlay them and incorporate other plugin elements for enhanced functionality.

This feature allows you to build and customize combinations of countries or regions, modify their styles, or add interactivity to each data polygon.

The plugin includes preset options for country boundaries (Entire World, by Continents, United Nations Regions, World Bank Regions, Subregions, or Custom Combinations) as well as regional boundaries (Admin Level 01 and Admin Level 02) for the following countries: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, and the USA.

Through the plugin settings, you can choose from five levels of boundary accuracy, adjust polygon fill colors and opacity (initial, hover, selected, and custom states), control polygon stroke styles, and configure actions on click (none, open link) and hover (none, popup with region name, or popup with region name and custom value).

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